Lydia Benecke

As it happened, I went to college with my bassist Nick West and we reconnected after he moved out to NY. Senator, is the second female Senator from Missouri after Jean Carna One part of a well began web site is its color scheme. My mom, in particular, was a big proponent of exposing the family to as many different varieties of music as possible. St. Louis-based OpenBeast is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Lydia Benecke, a multi-talented musician, is the founder and lead songwriter of the band “Blue Kid”.The daughter of opera singers, her heritage becomes apparent the moment she opens her mouth; her voice bounces easily from subtly seductive to ragingly powerful with an unparalleled intensity. That project was particularly cool, because the folks writing and directing the film asked us to put together an entire EP just for them, which they’ve been promoting for us using Where to begin? Lydia Benecke analysiert Fallgeschichten von Täterinnen vor dem Hintergrund neuester Forschungsergebnisse und zeigt, wie skrupellos Psychopathinnen sich Rollenklischees zunutze machen. He liked the music I was writing and was very into the idea of joining up to see if we could collaborate; given that he’s arguably one of the most talented musicians I’ve ever met, I’m supremely grateful to him for being part of the noise! We’re also very excited to be featured on the soundtrack of “Your Friends Close”, a quirky dark comedy coming out on the film festival circuit later this year.

Was macht uns böse? I can express myself in melodies and rhythm far better than I can with words or in an ordinary conversation; sharing the stage with a musician forms a much deeper bond for me with that person than all the booze and midnight adventures possibly could (although I’m a huge fan of those, too).I took up running a few years ago, sort of on a dare, and have now completed five half-marathons, which is a far cry from the couch potato I’ve historically been. Denn Frauen sind nicht nur raffinierter. It’s a very big project, but I’m extremely fortunate to be surrounded by excitable and nurturing artists who are hugely supportive of collaborative work and I look forward to its completion in the coming months. more bombastic, more intense and more of a dare-devil, which would allow me to write more intensely about all the things that are so fascinating to me (be it love, heartbreak or, occasionally, murder).Oh, you guys, I am so in love with my band! Views and opinions expressed are solely those of the writers/interviewees. In addition to that, we’re working on creating an album of music videos to accompany this release. ***Aus aktuellem Anlass: Zur Nachnamensgleichheit mit Mark Benecke*** Eben wurde mir eine Frage (netterweise per PN) gestellt, die häufiger aufkommt. 24:12. 1 talking about this.

: 04353 216 99 80 eMail: I was still acting at the time and had been brought out to the Big Apple to do a show at a theatre called 59E59. Chest thumper. I’ve got a fearsomely funny little sister (who also happens to be my favorite human on the planet), a wonderful circle of close-knit friends who keep me sane and a really big appetite for adventure.Blue Kid began as a way for me to get back in touch with my songwriting, which I had ceased doing while I was in college. Lydia Benecke is on Facebook.

Fool. Frauen gelten immer noch als wehrlos, sie leiden, dulden, verzeihen.

Lydia Benecke 19,999 views. Frauen gelten immer noch als wehrlos, sie leiden, dulden, verzeihen. The rest of the band really fell into place after I got offered a midnight headline slot at a club downtown and I realized I wanted a full rock band to make the most of that night.Matty knew a drummer named Damian VanCamp from a previous side project they had both worked on and Damian was very enthusiastic about coming on board to join the project, so that was a very lucky link-up.

My parents were both opera singers, as was my godmother, so all the adults that I grew up with were constantly opening their mouths to make beautiful noise.

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