super metroid walkthrough

Dies ist ein Walkthrough für Super Metroid. Don't stand on it too long, or it'll move down. The safest way is to use the grapple beam on the grapple points above the spikes, but that won't be available until later.

They cannot be damaged normally.

They will continue toward you, so try to take them out before they bash you. Continue down and right, past the room with the flying Violas and lava below. Once you arrive after the elevator, take the first door on the right. Swiftly Screw Attack up and to the right, being cautious of gold Space Pirates. To be able to hurt them, Screw Attack over them. Super Metroid is a relatively non-linear game. This leads to In this next area, you will have to combat two Tan-Gray Space Pirates, which forego beam weapons in favor of martial arts.

If it's gold and runs past a non-gold one, the attack may be blocked by the non-gold one, so watch your timing on your attacks. Know that they start with no stored health initially. Don't Screw Attack, or you may fall too far down to crumbling blocks.

The With the Varia Suit, you can survive Norfair's heated areas.

On the third one, you may want to wait until the it goes down so that you have enough space to get to the final one. Go in the left room after Ridley to see the container that the Metroid was in. To continue with the game, you now need to head to Brinstar to get Power Bombs. Try to morphball under the bounces, or Screw Attack over.

It contains a point of no return, so deal with any loose ends now if you want to. Magdollites will rise up and throw acid at you, similar to their appearance in Upper Norfair. This chapter is divided by item types, then by areas. Go right past where it was in the stone statue's mouth to reach a secret section. If you care about 100% item collection, you should have your initial 5 Super Missiles, 75 Missiles, 3 Energy Tanks, and the 1 Reserve Tank. Once you get to the red door, shoot up to reveal a hidden The Speed Booster causes you to run much faster, so long as you have enough distance to run long enough for it to activate. The book is fully scanned and available on the Internet Archive here: [1] Once the pirate jumps over you, he will then initiate a "jump kick" and turn yellow. Inside, you'll get a pack of Your next destination is the Wrecked Ship, but you can detour for optional upgrades first. They arrive in packs of five.

Then, use charged hits if you have to. Then, follow the path to the right in ball form, bombing the obstructing blocks and geemers until you get to a part with a door on the left, and one on the floor. Continue left, Screw Attacking the Holtz, to the next area. Just head right, through the red gate. The useful Reserve Tank lets you hold more energy than your Energy Tanks usually allow. Either way, you'll have to go through Brinstar again.

Ignore the first blue door on the way up, and instead take the righthand red one.

Jump the thin platforms when going left carefully, because the acid is even more damaging than lava should you fall in. This walkthrough will guide you through the natural route while making sure you're well-equipped to deal with everything it will throw at you.

They then will throw three side-by-side fireballs. If you have been following the guide from the start, you should have all of the items necessary for 100% completion. The upper right room past the ice beam may seem strange.

It'll freeze, and you can jump on it without fear.

Speed Boost as soon as you enter this new room.

When you have full energy and collect health restoring energy capsules, the extra energy will be stored in the Reserve Tanks. You can use missiles to take them out quickly but regular beam shots will suffice, it'll just take longer. Go through the door here and claim the Press Select to cycle to the fourth option, the Grapple Beam. Once you reach the end, you can go up, through the central door on the right if you want to save at the Save Station.

When it's down, run right, then morphball to the other side. Get Crocomire over the center of it, and the bridge will wear away, whereupon Crocomire will plummet and be defeated. Repeat with the other Pirate.

In the next area, you can defeat the respawning Zebbos from the pipes if you need to refill anything. If Crocomire moves far enough right, you'll see a bridge over acid. Shoot the bottom part of the wall under the door to reveal an Energy Tank. Know that there is acid here, which the Gravity Suit does not protect against, unlike lava. Head on through. Soon after leaving the station to seek a new bounty, Samus receives a distress signal. Here, bomb each of the tube-like areas to fall down to a pit with a red ripper II and a Now, return to the upper area. Now, a To make progress, go right again and Speed Boost left. In the bottom right corner, in the lava, there is a hidden You now should be in a room comprised of what appears to be green bubbles. Dash to activate the Speed Booster down this hill. Unlike the optional Spazer and Wave Beam, you'll need the Ice Beam to make progress, so be sure to get it. Just don't waste time, because they will thaw after a short while. Space Jump left, onto solid ground. Notice that the next tripper will have trouble supporting your weight, so you must quickly unmorph and jump left and head to the next room before being dunked into the lava. The magdollites return to the lava after their attack so you can pass then. Take the door when you make it to the other side. Take the upper right door.

You'll be safe from the lava here, just beware of the fune sticking out of the walls and the fire they spit in a slow horizontal trajectory.

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